Twitter Submitter

Twitter Submitter and Twtview for Win32!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Twitter Submitter & Twtview by simplify3 (Kenneth Udut)



Updated (Feb 1 2007): Updated “lifted from twitter fan wiki”

Updated (Jan 27 2007): Twtview 1.4 Now Available! twtview now no longer truncates certain entries and, more importantly, allows you to view ANY public user’s timeline/homepage by simply typing ‘u twittername’!

‘pm’ lets you view your private messages now! [1.4]

Truly exciting new feature! Easier to do in twtview than it is in! all previous features included - read 1.2 desc for more!

Twtview main menu

Updated (Jan 25, 2007): TwtView 1.2 replace by 1.3 (but following still applies to 1.3 -ku 1/26/07) twtview allows a Win95/98/2k/xp user to view the latest entries on the public timeline (either last 100, last 50, last 25, last 10, last 5, last 1) or view their OWN latest timeline!

You can use it at the same time as Twitter Submitter W32 and you will be able to make an Twitter status update with Twitter Submitter, then be able to see the updated timelines (either on the public or on the personal timeline) almost INSTANTLY!

Let me know how/if it works on your system. I’m really quite excited to be able to offer this. It’s very ‘old school’ - brings me back to BBS days.

Twtview public timeline view

Updated (Jan 23, 2007): Twitter Submitter W32 1.4 Now available Twitter Submitter W32 1.4.

Twitter Submitter W32

readme.txt for Twitter Submitter W32

Description Below pertains to the Twitter Submitter HTML files. [more to come on Twitter Submitter W32 1.4]

NO FRILLS - just the files, please [or, read below]

simplify3’s Unsafer twitter submitter

simplify3’s Safer twitter submitter

Hello twitterers!

I suffer from MacEnvy. I admit it. Mac users have these cool Twitty widgets and Twittish applets and nifty thing-a-ma-bobs for their twitterings.

But I have a lowly Windows 95 laptop, Pentium 166, 32M Ram.

No room for nifty apps for me.

But I wanted a simple way to update my twittish ramblings too!

So, here they are after a late night session of pure puzzlement and mid-morning redemption! Change it, play with it, make money off it. It’s here for the world.

Each allows you to submit your Twitter updates using your browser without going to the site. Underneath your twitter submitter text entry box, you’ll find your Twitter page in a nifty little 750×200 Inline


1) Open code (Windows WordPad opens it just fine)

2) Change USERNAME to your Twitter username.

2a) If using “unsafer twitter submitter”, change PASSWORD to your Twitter password.

3) Save as a text file with the extension HTML or HTM.

4) Load in your web browser of choice.

simplify3’s Unsafer twitter submitter

simplify3’s Safer twitter submitter

It’s plain. But it works. It allows you to submit new twitter musings, and if you’re using a newer brower, it will show your twitter page under your text area.

When you submit your update, it will download the resulting XML file [or show it to you in the browser]. Do not fear - this is normal and harmless. Just hit “BACK” and REFRESH your page, and you will see your updated twitter entry.

Safer Twitter Submitter works under IE, Opera, Lynx & OffByOne and probably nearly every browser. [if it works under Lynx, it’ll work anywhere]. OffByOne will not show the Inline Twitter page.

Unsafer Twitter Submitter works under IE and Opera, but Lynx & OffByOne don’t like the username/password encoding in the Unsafer Twitter Submitter.

Have fun! [and don’t make fun of my coding. Just send me an improvement ( and maybe I’ll use that instead! -Ken,, Naples, FL

Posted from Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL USA

See other nifty tools at: Twitter Fan Wiki

Twitter Fan Wiki PDF 2007-01-22 snapshot

Join - Twitter Yahoo Community

Twitter Tips and Tricks

Lifted from Twitter Fan Wiki 07-Feb-01 @ 3:10pm

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a way of life. It’s living with a publicity policy. It’s friends, Romans and country people the world over engaged in timely snippet conversations that fit into 160 character chunks.

Go sign up and see what this is all about. An interview with Obvious Corp.

Official Twitterness: Blog, Help Docs, API documentation,

The Really Important Stuff

Customer Comments and Complaints Dept.

Desktop apps

Scripts and libraries


  • dealtagger - Let all your friends know what your shopping for with the dealtagger > twitter update thingy!

  • MyChores - Keep track of your household chores and send automatic Twitter posts whenever you complete a task!

  • BBC News - Get BBC news headlines via twitter. Main news feed, and individual news channels available.


  • You can achieve the same result as the Twitter Monitor ruby script by running Adium - its Growl support is awesome!

  • If you are using the Twitter Jabber support, you can get and send twitters right from within Google Gmail



Feature Requests and Ideas


Blogger Kenneth Udut ( - Naples News, Info, Jobs) said...

Hi - it's me! has twitter submitter and thousnds of Collier County feeds, jokes, recipes, Dear Abby, Dear Margo, advice columns, old-fashioned doctors advice, and more!

4:31 AM  
Blogger SAD said...

Get the more information about the world and increase your knowledge...
see this link.. click here ..

12:56 AM  

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